Welcome to BDF On-Line

A smart pespective for the “new normal”

BDF On-Line?

Folowing the Mindset Change pronouncement by the The Commander in Chief of Armed Forces and The President of Botswana His Excelency Dr Eric Mokgweetsi Masisi targeting organisational improvement and improved service delivery, Botswana Defence Force decided to leverage on the digitisation initiative amongst others to bring its services on-line.


To defend Botswana’s Territorial Integrity, Sovereignty and National Interests.


To be a Professional, Prompt and Decisive Force.


Botswana Defence Force values are:
Botho, Courage, Loyalty, Duty, Integrity, Esprit-de-corps, Discipline.


Be part of the Botswana Defence Force family. As a member, you are associated with pride, honour and dignity for your dedication and selflessness in defending this country’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and national interests. The day you join the military, you shed off individuality and assume a higher purpose greater than oneself. This is the spirit that has seen many military Officers hanging the boots to assume greater responsibilities as Statesmen.

Officer Cadets

Officer Cadets receive training as generalists in leadership and in management, in addition to training relating to their specific military occupational specialty or function in the military. They are the Commisioned Officers Corp in the military.

Special Entrant Officers

Special Entrant Officers are recruited for their speciality and experience from the Health, Chaplaincy and Legal professions to enhance capacity of such professions in the Defence Force.

Recruit Private

Recruit privates feed the Non Commisined Officers stream in the BDF. They possess professional qualities, competencies, and traits that complement the officer corps and enable the enlisted force. They are trusted and empowered leaders in the Profession of Arms and are the Backbone of the military.


Send us a message and we will be in touch. If you need technical support or troubleshooting, to save time and get a quick response, please visit the support portal.


SSKB, Plot No 11213 , Mogoditshane, Botswana


(+267) 366 2135 / 71 373 483 / 74 735 532

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